Monday, January 5, 2015

cruisin' funerals

Today's plan involved me working until 12 then scooping up the grands for my aunt Virginia's funeral. We made it just fine and the service was very nice, planned by Ginner herself. Her death was sudden and swift which, for an 88 year old, is a blessing from Big Ernie. I've seen too many folks linger while modern technology extends their lives past what they wish for or can endure. Mama sat tucked between me and Daddy listening to the beautiful music coming from the choir loft that I have sung alto from many times when we swapped churches for programs. Daddy and I spent a lot of years together doing just that...he in the tenor section. Three other guys and him did a quartet thing for years that was a big hit with everybody who heard them. He and I also spent many rehearsals together for the living last supper extravaganza which featured twin Jesi Gerry and Terry Anderson. They come in handy for scene changes.

Mom had her regular appointment with the ortho doc to see if the fracture is healed and it's not but he told her to take the brace off anyway because it bothers her. She then proceeded to ask for advice on the other knee which is bone on bone and he mentioned she might just want to put the brace on that one. Anything for stabilization, you know. While she was being x-rayed I ran on over to the funeral home to see my guys who lost their Dad. It's like the red sea parting when you enter the doors of that place with folks in suits holding them back for you. Papa Joe was laid out on the right side and I visited with the fam until it was time to return for Mom. I dare anybody to say that I don't know how to use my time well.

She said the Camry didn't sound as bad as usual which means she hasn't been in it lately. It's cold and our water froze at 21 degrees in 2 hours this morning so I'm kind of worried about this deep freeze headed our way. I have spent a week without water before and it ain't easy for a girl like me. Not a survivalist, if you know what I mean. As long as the sun is shining, I won't whine. Too much. For some odd reason the sawmill is hot as hell and we have fans blowing on strategic areas like whoever is having hot flashes or wore under armour.

There is this couple I know that started many years ago in the midst of a lot of emotional upheaval for all involved. She is one of the most beautiful women I've ever met and she is now engaged to one of my best guy type friends ever. I could not be happier for them! Well, except if Sugardaddy showed up and was cute as well.


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