Thursday, February 13, 2020

on the upside

...of a very bad day.  I cried, felt sorry for myself, talked to people and went to bed.  I was able to get 11 hours of sleep in increments which was heavenly.  Even though I was up and down, those 4 hours chunks helped.

Right after I went to the mailbox and brought the garbage can up to the porch, physical therapy showed up and he was pleased with what I could do.  No nurse today and I did my own wet to dry dressing on the wound.  It ain't pretty but it works.  I am being very careful to guard the work of art that was my last bag change.  My nurse talked to the surgical group and they gave her tips to deal with my kind of problem, one of which is building up the sides of the ostomy site.  She was on a mission!  Thanks are a superstar.  

We've got two frigid nights coming up so if the fostering thing doesn't work out, I'll bring Ellie home this weekend.  I sure do miss that sweet thing.  She has such a precious personality much like Faith.  I remember the vet telling me one time that Faith was "soooo chocolate."  They're a different sort.

I gotta go post notes on all the faucets to DRIP.  I'm delighted that the thus far spineless Senate put Trump in his place today.  I'm sure they've been scared to cross him in an election year but geez.  They are more scared of him starting a global war.  Geez.  I hope they do the same thing with the budget thingie.

Thanks for supporting me and all the love.  Even though I'm alone in my house a lot, it feels good to know that people are watching and sending up prayers for me.  Muahhh!

Keepin' the faith ^j^

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