Tuesday, February 4, 2020

earthquake etc

Patrick called me late last night to see if I felt the 2.7 quake which I did not.  I was asleep with the box fan running and didn't hear a thing.  I think it was felt more in northern Dyer county.  I was dead asleep but didn't stay that way long.  My nights are punctuated with lots of getting up to pee and change my little buddy da' bag.  I should probably name her.

I am quite concerned at the news that China covered up the initial reporting of the latest corona virus.  A group of doctors shared concern as early as December 30th and were chastised by the police for reporting their findings.  It could have been addressed then and lives saved.  Never back down when you know you're right.  The leader of this group is now ill himself with the virus.  

Iowa?  Please.  You guys played right into the script that Trump wrote.  Caucuses will be held at the local level here very soon.  I'm slowly but surely developing somewhat of a routine here as much as I can.  I haven't had a bath in weeks and my hair needs washing again but I have to be careful what I attempt when nobody is around.  Patience is a virtue that I'm acquiring thank goodness.  

I'm beginning the process of gathering medical records so that I can actually read with my own eyes what I went through.  Lauren told me there was another issue, this one urological, found on the CT in Memphis so that has to be followed up on.  I'm just curious to see it all on paper.  

Ellie is still being boarded until I get my strength to the point where I can handle her.  She's doing well according to Tammy and playing nice.  Sam and Oscar are missing her but adapting.  My biggest pain at the moment is my back.  I'm looking forward to getting out, probably next week, to venture into the world.  I'm a house mouse by nature but I do normally get out at least once a day.  We shall see.

Y'all keep on believing in good stuff.  That's what it's all about.  

Faith ^j^

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