Saturday, May 6, 2023

on a scale of 1 to 10

Today is a solid 5 compared to yesterday's 1, which I see as an improvement.  Hopefully there will be a rise in the days to come.  I went to bed last evening and waited for dark to fall behind the shades in my bedroom.  All I wanted was for my mind to stop racing with worry and doubt.  Eventually, that happened but there were still tears left over this morning which I spilled all over several folks on the phone.  

After that, Oscar and I went for a walk down Samaria Bend which he totally loves, and I needed badly.  I'm doing some research on a story that "should have" already been written but I've had a bad week so there ya' go.  I am learning that there is not much interest in feature stories which is what I love.  If you will meet me somewhere and my phone is charged up, let's talk.  

Everybody has a story, bottom line.  And everybody aches to tell their story.  I have done that a million different ways in my life including writing in a daily diary that my mama gave me every year for Christmas.  My blog is a journal to me.  I can't write so well anymore and need a keyboard to tell my stories.  

My mother's diaries are filled to the brim with what we did and what was on the menu!  Y'all know how she was with the pictures!  I still have a tub full of albums in the attic and one down here.  Hey, it's only been 7 years and a lifetime.  I think that's how we honor the wishes of our friends and family.  When the time comes, do a Marie Kondo on the whole deal and declutter.

I choose to leave the past behind and look forward.  Life is too short to not enjoy every moment of every day.  Rest when you need to, live laugh and love....and do the next right thing ^j^

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