Thursday, May 4, 2023

on being the princess

My biggest thrill, besides cuddling when she was a baby, has been to see Reaves live the magical life of a young child.  Her fun and laughter are contagious!  She can be a bit demanding at times, but he also plays well by herself with that vivid imagination of hers.  There is a baby in the ivy covered tree that gets fed.  

Ranting about guns yesterday wore me out and I swore I would never stir that pot again..Not because it's not important, but because we will never agree on the issue.  My friend Keith pointed out that it's not the gun, which is true.  Something has happened in this world to make people crazy and mean.  I think that social media plays a big part what with all the copy cats.  Each one wants to go down in glory for that one moment in fame.  

Some say it can all be fixed with charter schools and forced religion in public schools.  Texas is about to post the 10 Commandments again.  I suppose maybe they need to see that.   I know that I've broken a few of them and Jesus still loves me.
I firmly believe in separation of church and state.  That one is in the constitution too.  

We tend to pick and choose which rules to follow whether biblically or politically.  To me, the answer is honest conversation with no money involved about how we can all get along.  I'm enough of an old hippie to believe that can happen.  Love ya...mean it ^j^ 

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