Sunday, May 14, 2023's the humidity

I can take the heat but southern humidity kills me.  Every year it takes more time to adjust to the hot stuffy soup that is our weather.  When we have days on end of it, it's brutal.  The rains that are helping things grow feed the moisture and it's a hot mess.  And the cottonwood is flying!  I am thankful for air conditioning.  Church was wonderful this morning with all the kids taking over the service and a wonderful guest preacher, Robert Craig.  What I see more and more these days is that we are a team and the laity steps up to make things happen.  All the United Methodists in this area are community oriented.  Next Saturday is Spring Fling where we go out and do unto others.  I can't wait!

I got to talk with Lauren and Reaves last night with a "Happy Mother's day Eve" message.  That's a thing with me and my daughter.  We tend to celebrate every day, even the eves.  She is door dashing today hoping to make some extra money on this day of days.  We talked before church this morning and thanked each other for what we are which is a team.  She is much more patient and giving to Reaves than I was when she was five.  I gave birth to her at 29 which was kind of late for our era.  For years I never thought I would be pregnant and then....boom.  There came Lauren Elizabeth.  For a long time, she was the only grandchild of Billy and Janice, and was spoiled accordingly.  

Mom was great.  When LP was 2 she kept her for a week while we went on a rafting trip on the Ocoee.  I called to tell Mama we would be a day late gettin' home and she said okay but I could tell she was tired.  I guess she was in her sixties then.  Thanks Mama.  She had sleepovers every Friday evening so I could have porch time with my girlfriends where we drank Miller ponies and tried to maintain sanity. Sometimes there was wine but I don't like that much.  Gives me a headache.

We are strong women, the whole crew of us.  Sitting with my cousins this morning and my BFF, I enjoyed just being together. Extended family knows where you've been and how we got here.  Olivia seriously rocks a hat and Charlie is a precious boy growing up fast.  

Y'all stay cool and keep the faith ^j^   

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