Tuesday, October 9, 2018

halloween memories

Back in the day when I was a kid at Alice Thurmond Elementary we actually called it a "halloween festival". Somewhere along the long that became politically incorrect and turned into fall festival.  I remember winning first place in the costume contest one year when my creative mother dressed me as an honest to goodness cotton bale made out of a cardboard box.  I couldn't sit the whole time!!  Pate street was a safe one back then so we would hit the doors of every house around.  At home, we never had a single trick or treater  because of where we lived.  Our yard never got rolled, at least not until Lauren was a teenager.  The Autry family did us that honor!  I was the original party mom so there were always scads of kids hanging out around here.  At one gathering some heathern busted my pumpkin out in the road.  At yet another gathering, Christopher Moody busted his head on the steps coming up from the basement where the chalk graffiti still is visible.  Lord, what was I thinking!

Today is the last day to register to vote.  I hope that you are already registered and educated on what's at stake.  There's a lot of theory flying around about Haley's movivation to resign as our ambassador to the UN.  I may be naive, but I believe that she got tired of trying to defend us to the rest of the world.  That's one tough gig.

Michael is approaching and already causing flooding and storm surge prior to landfall.  Unless he changes his mind, the Gulf Coast is in for an ass whooping.  It's hot and windy here as a cool front approaches.  The rain will probably be short lived but the temps will drop beautifully.  Finally!

Y'all keep on believing ^j^

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