Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I have  had this laptop for a couple of months now but still use the old one for some things.  I don't remember any passwords (because of course, they're auto-saved) so I'm slowly going through the process of changing those like for the bank and whatnot.  Going to The Mill helps because if I have a dumb question there's somebody close who knows the answer!  Some friends dropped by with all kinds of tales to tell and I was just amazed at how cool she was with the video on her phone.  Two guys and a whole BUNCH of guns at Okeena Park.  The police were right behind them.  Lord knows what they were trying to pull off.  It all ended well except for some shaken spirits.  

And the bickering about gun rights continues night and day.  I'm sick of the arguing Trumpsters drowning out the voices of reasonable gun owners.  And the withholding of medical treatments like cannabis.  Not bitchin'....just saying.

I'm short on words today as the muse is soaked from three days of drippy and soggy.  Maybe tomorrow's treatment will change all that.

Namaste ~

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