Friday, March 16, 2018

the marketplace

I consider myself to be fairly computer literate and can navigate most websites but the ACA is not playing nice today.  I met with my agent armed with what I thought was a valid username and password and we couldn't get in.  Alright then.  Back home to try and rectify that.  And done.  Now that I'm ready to shop plans I'll go back in to see him next week.  While I was there Cheryl checked on dropping the Cadi insurance and it actually WENT DOWN. Lord, wonders never cease.  My camera came yesterday and I finally got the battery compartment open and it works.  I had to stop by Walgreens to get a memory card and the girl who waited on me for the 2nd day in a row actually asked if my knee stabilizer helped!  That's a good sales associate right there.  

I am heartbroken still over the backlash of the school walkouts.  Especially the statement that it was "nakedly political?"  Every gun rights activist in the country is making fun of these kids and accusing them of "being led" by liberals.  You mean kind of  like the GOP is led by the NRA?  There's a thread on a friend's page that I ducked out of that is in its' second day of arguing.  Life is too short.  I did get an apology from a troll there though.  That was sweet and a first.  Most of the time they just get off on telling you how stupid you are.

The brace does indeed help, but not much.  I'm doing the one foot one step at a time thing on these monstrous stairs.  The shoulder....meh.  It hurts all the time but that's my new normal.  Keeping on with the MFR and exploring holistic healing options are what I'm focusing on.  

Other than that, I've got nothing.  I'm planning to visit the girls on Sunday which will be fun.  We can bundle Reaves up and take her for a stroll!

Namaste ^j^

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