Monday, August 13, 2012

hanging with my homeys

I am usually the lone liberal in a sea of apathetic and/or conservative voters at my workplace. My only comrade in affairs of the left is a woman who is about ten years older and eons wiser than myself. Until recently she worked sporadically but is now filling in for someone on family leave. When the smiling whistling little guy came through I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to start some shit up. I innocently asked him if he was happy with what's his name the tea partier that Romney picked. Of course he was DELIGHTED and ready to argue about it. I cannot tell a lie...I knew exactly what I was doing and she let loose on him with a ferocity I haven't seen from her since before George died. Which is a very good thing, by the way. Half of the people there didn't have a clue what was up and the boss just looked at us like we had lost recess or something. I swear if she had an eraser in her hand she would have thrown it at us!

When I stopped by Money Mike's place on the way home I ran into my neighbor and I invited him up to sit on the porch a spell. The dogs barked like he was gonna take off with the ancient 500 lb teevee set until they found him harmless. No shit..when I pulled up in the driveway I found an old truck with a couple of scruffy guys and some appliances wrapped in the bed. Hmm. Wrong house I think, ya'll. About that time the lady called and she told him he was trying not to go to jail for trespassing! You can't make this shit up. BG was at work the other day when a girl came in with a baby monkey on a leash and she got pics up close. Back when I stopped at the Plaza food store every day there was a bigger one who would sit in the car with his "mama" while dude ran in to get the steaks and beer.

One of my regular readers told me today that my writing has been quite depressing lately. I know this in my heart and know that people love to think "happy thoughts" and pay it forward. I do that every day but something is missing and I believe that it has been the ability to be spontaneous and capture a moment right when it happens to savor...not run from. Watching my father count the last steps of his life in an attempt to control the whole thing makes me very sad for him. That's why we've learned to laugh about the routines and their predictability.

My friend came by yesterday with a cheer up basket of goodies from her work and we sat on the porch drinking beer and catching up with life. I dated her brother for awhile and she told me when it started getting rocky that he was all about himself. That, I did not need and neither does she. If someone can't at least meet me halfway they can keep on trucking. After that my friend the auto mechanic worked on the Camry and had it fixed in no time. I remember sitting in court watching a cocky young guy think that he had it licked. Now, I look at his conviction to his father's passion for motors and think "How lucky for me!" All he ever asks for is cornbread and chicken.

We have all been through some drama, some more than others. To think about the glass being half full is, to me personally, the only way to survive and have peace. At this point in my life peace is my choice. Oh! Plus faith hope and love. ^j^

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