Friday, February 22, 2019

sparking joy

I felt better today so I got out to make the rounds of my remaining errands before and after a visit with Lorna at The Mill.  She passed on some clothes and shoes from her daughter Amy and I'm not even halfway through the stuff but very grateful!  It's still raining by the way, with a chance of severe weather tomorrow.  I guess we may have to get in the bathtub.

Those shots yesterday really helped me perk up. I was afraid I might not sleep because of the steroids but I slept like a baby for 12 hours.  I have been considering buying a gun and still toying with the idea.  In the meantime I had two badass knives in the drawer in case the bad guys show up.  Beware.  My dogs will eat your ass up.

I hear that Trump is pitching a fit because he gets a participant award for the Nobel prize.  There are no words for that kind of stupidity.  I mean geez....he nominated himself.  My gut tells me that Mueller will move soon and we shall see how much of the truth the American people get to see what with all the redaction and whatnot.  Hopefully Congress, at least, will be able to get the full story.  

Teach your children well ^j^

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