Friday, September 24, 2021

alli want for christmas is dirt

Friends are the family that choose you.  It's not a blood kin thing (except in KY,MO,etc.)  I remember singing that song from GS camp that went something like this...Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold.  I stayed 'til dark and managed to not turn into a Punkin, enjoying dinner with friends.  I had never been there before but I'll sure go back.

My weekend project is to flip the garden bed, put the ground cover under it and start the bottom with cardboard.  I'm like a dog with a bone about this.  For Christmas I just want bags of organic humus.  Lowe's delivers.   I am slowly turning into my mother, already planning ahead for Thanksgiving.  Dressing and one casserole already frozen.  Sourdough rolls ordered.  Turkey breast solidly frozen.  I'll let y'all know how it all turns out.  But FIRST we must celebrate the month of October and all the magic it offers.  I spend a lot of time on a deck overlooking a beautiful lake. Occasionally we see fairies that look like lightening bugs in the middle of the afternoon.  

For the 2nd day in a row Kelly got pre-empted by breaking updates on the mass shooting in Collierville,  It is still an active crime scene under investigation.  These things take time, ya know.  What impresses me the most is how all of the law  agencies that showed up and worked together.  If you currently suspect that someone has serious mental problems and has a gun, please report this.  Enough is enough dammit!  

If I had to list events that shook me to my core I could start with MLK and JFK.  Fifty years later, Sandy Hook.  That one shook me the most because they were just babies like Reaves.  Mentally ill? You bet.  But also had Mommy's arsenal of automatic weapons at his disposal and used one of them to kill her first.  Anybody remember his name?  I do.

I plan on a glorious weekend in the yard getting the garden box ready for planting.  I'll have to flip it over a few times and work out the bottom for dirt but it's our second year together so I think we can make it work.

Peace be still ~


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