I went to exercise and enjoyed it as usual. My clumsy self whacked my hand on the chair and had to go find a band aid. Typical Janie. After an errand or two I'm back at the crib with sleeping dogs and a laptop. Lord what I would give for a nice desktop computer.
I'm expecting one more Reaves gift which is an adorable lightweight coat with hood. The shoes came yesterday and they are seriously cute just like her. I miss them a lot but Lauren's work hours are crazy. Hopefully that will change soon.
I read today about a five year old being abducted from a New Jersey park with her mother 50 yards away. This, freaks me out as a grandmother. You gotta' watch 'em like a hawk in public places.
That's all the wisdom I have for today which ain't much. Blessings to all y'all and your mama'n'them. And be nice ^j^
Janie, I dumped the desk computer and only use the laptop. They seem to be more stable and not as many freeze up and lock ups. Anyway, love that baby, she will be grown soon. lol Lovey ou