Y'all all know I'm a Bernie bro and I was thrilled to hear of the law he is sponsoring to forgive all student loan debt. As the mother of one who owes a chunk from 2008, I say right on. With the economy what it is and the lack of jobs that pay well, eliminating that debt would give students a clean slate where they can actually afford to buy things like a house or car thus boosting the economy exponentially.
When I went to college, the cost was not cheap but it was reasonable and student loans weren't a thing. I had a scholarship for two years, did work study for a year and my parents paid for the last year which was only about 6K. That was a lot to them in 1976 but my last year was so intense I would have never graduated if I had tried to work. I see public education as one of the top three issues to be addressed and not just with student debt. The school voucher program is absurd. If you want your kids to go to a charter school go for it, but don't expect the rest of us to pay for it. Our tax dollars are committed to public schools and improving them not paying for someone to go to a Christian based private school. I am a Christian myself, but I don't believe religion has a place in the public school system. That's the parents' job, or the job of that charter school that they pay dearly for.
The Sanders plan proposes not only forgiveness of ginormous debt but also free college education at public universities. Imagine what an opportunity for those who cannot afford to go to post secondary schools. It's not socialism or welfare...just a good solid start for kids of this generation. An investment, if you will. Tennessee already offers free community college. Let's expand on that. The very banks that ran all this smack were bailed out by the feds. Turn about is fair play.
I joined some friends for lunch and a visit then went to do my watering. It rained hereT during the night but there, not so much. It was already dry again. It was ten degrees cooler than yesterday with a nice breeze and low humidity but I was still drenched with sweat by the time I was done.
The beginning of the Dem debates is two days away. I just hope everybody plays nice and acts for the good of all instead of splintering. That would be another win for you know who.
Carry on folks ~