Monday, June 25, 2018

the non-lunch

I had plans to meet a couple of friends at El!Patio! *clap clap* today.  As I was getting out the shower one friend called to tell me that the other was in the ER with high blood pressure so, no lunch for us.  I was dressed and ready so I went on up to the ER to hang out with her and watch the monitor.  After two doses of Clonidine and a 2nd dose of her usual BP med, they let her go to follow up with her provider in East Tennessee when she gets home.  She was worried about her doggie and praying not to be admitted.  I was impressed with her care.

While I was there a couple of co-workers saw me sitting there and stopped to chat.  One was Joy, the super nurse in OR that I requested as my own for this last surgery.  The other was a nurse who works in case management almost exclusively in ER.  We had nice long chats about life and such and it was just like being home.  I miss those folks a lot....ALMOST all of them.  I will always be a part of their family but there's a lot of new faces.  

I'm mulling over quitting smoking for a couple of reasons including my health and the expense.  It will be hard because I've been at it for a lot of years.  The other day as I sat outside with Reaves in her walker I noticed her watching me with a cigarette and it struck me that's how we learn.  Not a good thing to model for your grandchild.  Let us pray on that one. Both of my parents smoked when I was growing up but Daddy quit in his 30s.  Mom kept right on until her second hospitalization for pneumonia.  Neither of my brothers ever picked it up.

It's hot again, but not so humid which helps.  Gotta to check on the produce shortly and give it some much needed water.  Plus some food.  

Y'all have a great week and consider a sale at Poopie's house of windows for your next project!

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