Sunday, February 18, 2018

trolls r us

Social media is something relatively new considering I didn't even have a computer until about 15 years ago.  It serves us well as a way to stay in touch with friends and family and in organizing groups, etc.  A responsible person with a FB page shares thoughts and feelings, recipes, baby pictures and whatever the hell they want because it is THEIR page.  Because I am not a staunch gun totin' conservative I get a lot of troll activity on my posts from time to time.  I'm used to it and normally don't engage them.  I would never ever go on someone's page and try to destroy them by insisting that I am right.   That is narcissism at its' finest and is what causes polarization among people and incites anger and violence.

That being said, yes I am a person with a love of peace and compromise.  I do not claim to be right.  As my friend said to the troll "she speaks from her heart" and that makes me a target for these kinds of folks on important issues.  Once again, have at it if you feel so inclined but remember that others are reading what you write and making judgments about you and your own business.  You will always have the last word, that's a given.  And it's a very aggressive type of behavior.  I will agree to disagree with you when you show respect and not call me stupid for my beliefs.  Otherwise, we have nothing to talk about.  I am not upset or mad at anybody.  Just trying to find my way through this life like everybody else.  I watched the parent of a dead student speak at yesterday's rally and his words were "I don't know what to do next."  I have a feeling this latest school shooting will turn the tide on the issue because too many folks on both sides of the aisle are feeling pressure from their voters.  I may be wrong, but one can only hope and pray for a resolution.

Grace ~

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