Wednesday, February 28, 2018

tennessee flood

Well, it just keeps on raining every other day so naturally the rivers are still rising.  When I was at the corner market the lady told me that old 51 from Halls is shut down due to flooding and she had to turn around and take a different route to work.  The road behind Tucker tire is closed and water is creeping into residential Southtown.  Tomorrow is forecast to bring more rain.  Lerd.  This usually doesn't happen until May!

I've been going through old pictures and found some yesterday from a camping trip when Lauren was about fiveish.  One of them is of a boat filled with Lauren, John and Eric Lanier and cousin Buddy at the helm.  I sent it to John and he picked himself right out in the red hat.  There are others which will go to the folks in them.  I love doing that kind of thing....spreading memories.  

Cousin Mo and Ron brought out some furniture yesterday because they're redecorating the living room.  The chair is huge and stuff....just right for holding a baby.  At this point I'm just putting things in the living room until I find out where I'm going to live.  

Good news from Dick's!  Their leadership has made the decision to NOT sell the type of weaponry used in mass shootings.  Will it cut into their profits?  Probably not because they'll pick up new customers out of respect for what they've done.  I've never been in the place but I want to go buy something just to say thanks.

Mueller is quietly doing his job and the whole collusion is coming out.  The fall of Kushner will be the domino that takes the rest of it down.  I wish nobody harm....just for justice to be done.

And remember.  Turn around.....don't drown ~

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