Wednesday, March 1, 2017

in the dark

I purposely left the box fan off so that I could hear the rain and thunder during the night and drifted off peacefully.  Sometime between 3 and 4AM the front rolled in bringing heavy wind and thunderstorms.  They say not a tornado, but 60-70 mph.  I had intended to take a shower this morning so I was kind of confused when the badass phone alarm went off and I found myself in the dark.  Alrighty then.  Here we go fumbling around for tea candles TOTALLY forgetting that Mamye gave me a battery powered lantern for Christmas.  I remembered it after I got to the sawmill which was also dark.  Very eerie for a hospital.  We have generators for emergency power and I could hear them roaring when I pulled up.  Inside it was dim because there's just a light here and there plus testing equipment on emergency.  Of course it was hot as hades because the air was off. 

As I turned into the street for work, I could see the shadow of a huge tree blocking Parr Avenue with a traffic cop guarding the path.  We were told that it would be at least six hours before power was restored and it took only 2 because the generators at the nursing home next door didn't work and....oxygen.  Since it was dark when I went in I was curious to see the damage in daylight.  There were signs flattened and awnings gone everywhere not to mention all the limbs and trees down.  I even noticed one of the street signs downtown this morning bent over at a 90 degree angle from the top.  

So now it's bright and sunny like nothing ever happened and we're lucky this time.  Others were not so fortunate.  It is so humbling to me to witness the destruction that weather can cause.  In the blink of an eye.

We were informed today that #4 of my co-workers will become grandma this year with one scoring two.  It should be an interesting time for all us old women.  

Over and out from the lane ~

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