Friday, September 4, 2015

the outside world

I stopped by the FNP's office yesterday after work and didn't have the energy to wait so I camped out on her doorstep this morning to be first in line.  She saw me a few weeks ago for an ear infection and the eye thing that has gotten progressively worse to the point that she exclaimed that I looked like a vampire.  I was thinking more along the lines of a zombie.  I lost my reading glasses yesterday as well so it was kind of a blind person going through the motions.  She put drops in my eyes which immediately helped and gave me a shot in the butt for good measure.  In my heart, I know it's because of the hot stagnant air around Casa Poops and the bush hog yesterday didn't help.  Plus, Ragweed.  Aaaaand pesticides.

I was supposed to have lunch with friends today but after visiting Mom and running an errand for her it was time to head to the house and get under the AC.  As everyone knows, surely, I do so hate to sweat.  I'm counting down the days watching the days fly by prior to the 9th when I turn 60.  I think it's a good age because you're still usually healthy enough to be out and about but old enough not to get in too much trouble, if you know what I mean.  With age comes wisdom.

We've been so busy with moving and whatnot that I still haven't "finished" the thank yous like I lied and said I did.  It's okay y'all!  I'm slow but sure.  As I went in to see Mom this morning I ran into Phyllis and Jim, son and daughter-in-law of Mama's next door neighbor.  We talked about how they both got there, about two months apart, and how much joy they have found in each other.  She had a mini-spell while I was there about rather being at home and I understood.  I'm the same way.  Everytime we talk now, she wants to know what's going on in the outside world like it's changed since she moved.  Not a thing dear.  Not a thing.
I did some pitching at the red log cabin yesterday limited ONLY to empty envelopes and tiny boxes of safety pins and thread.  And VHS tapes.  Lordy Jesus!  These people got a load of stuff.  There are two box sets of Garrison Keillor cassettes that I gave Daddy years ago.  They had a lot of fun with old Garrison and also Lewis Grizzard.  Oh...and Brother Dave Gardner!  The one book that I've retrieved so far is a signed copy of The Widow's Mite that I also gave him eons ago.  Hey....I take that stuff seriously.

Next to the wall sits a huge 9 pane window from my attic which I filled with farm pictures and gave them for Christmas one year.  It sits right next to the fireplace that started a blaze under the floor one time when we were on the way to a Led Zeppelin concert, of all things.  I think the multivitamins are working because I remember more.  Then again, I may just be coming out of the fog on occasion.  It's been a tough and long ride.  The only thing that keeps me sane is the love and support of others.


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