Saturday, September 5, 2015

doves and ferris wheels

The weekend before Labor Day is always huge because dove season begins and the fair is coming to town on Monday.  Bless all of everybody's heart who is considering either because it's hot as hell with no relief in sight until Thursday.  Kid Rock's brother is out mowing my dirt yard but I'm inside so it's good.  I turned the corner with the conjunctivitis today at just about the time I was ready to just dig a hole and lay down in it.  Miserable, I tell you.  When I pulled in this afternoon and checked the mail there were a couple of birthday cards from friends which made my day.  

I know that county fairs are held all over the country but I feel sure they are a different animal in the south.  Most have truck pulls, beauty pageants and carnivals plus a chance for farmers and artists to compete for the honor of placing in a category.  The whole thing is pulled together seamlessly and tirelessly by a cadre of volunteers who do it for the love of community.  I grew up there since my Daddy was on the board of directors and Mama worked the office with none other than Red Henson as a boss.  There was barely a golf cart then to scurry from place to place at the site next to the cemetery.  I distinctly remember hearing the carnival music as we put my uncle in the ground to the sound of taps.  

BG is the proud owner of a gently used car and enough new clothes to be presentable.  Our new beds will be delivered on Tuesday, mine to here and hers down the road.  If it doesn't work out with corporate, she can move it.  Bubba is on vacay with his peeps at the lake like the whole rest of the world as we (thankfully) say goodbye to summer '15.  Lord have mercy is all I can say.  

We are still grieving but it's not the heavy kind that puts you into walking-in-quicksand mode.  Having my mother in a safe place allows me to sleep well at night and that's all I need at this point.  As my body and soul heal, there will be energy and hope to try new things like finding Sugardaddy.  For now, I'll just take the easy road and hunker down.  My mother, in the same conversation yesterday, urged me to "take care of yourself and get rest" and " get out and be with your friends."  Right now, that's a conundrum.  I will take a gradual lightening of the load and give thanks along the way.  

Faith ~

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