Saturday, September 26, 2015

papal security

I  find it oddly uncomfortable that our beloved Pope requires so much protection from crazy people with weapons.  I mean when you look up the picture of what Jesus would do in the Bible or the dictionary, he's it.  To those who have dared to proclaim that his message is about either political party, shame on you.  His mission is one of mercy and compassion for the least of these.  How can you judge the feeling of being poor and unable to obtain needed services like healthcare, housing and food.  And don't you DARE  say "get a job."  There aren't any other than minimum wage corporate driven bullshit.  One of our ex roomies was on a road crew about five or six years ago putting down slabs for DGentral and doing the finish.  He was responsible for a crew of (mostly) immigrants who were happy to be working and drank a lot of tequila at the hotel. This was during the time that Weeds was a thing and the DEA was in full swing over the drug trade. Numerous border states had badass sheriffs on the take, smuggling them through and then pocketing the money.  Esteban....that bitch that Shane killed.  Those were the good old days.   Gumbler told me about seeing the signs of coyotes around Brownsville on the ranch where he and Twinkler  ( yes, Twinkler ) lived and worked.  And we're talking the drug smuggling kind not the animal kind.

The sawmill was "appropriately" busy today and not overwhelming.  We ate twice and well and worked like little trojans saving lives and whatnot.  It's what we do because we get paid a lot want to help people.   I finally got my Bernie hoodie just in time for the cool snap that may or may not come.  Surely global warming won't make me wear shorts all winter!  All the wooly worms and weather forecasters are predicting multiple weather events.  So are the persimmon seeds. I knew when I wrote yesterday that I was feeling the anger and frustration that I feel with the healthcare industry from an insider's point of view.  The culture has always been one of punitive damages and in reality that's just new cars for wrongful death attorneys aka ambulance chasers.  Are there true cases of negligence and malpractice?  Hell yes, but mostly people get into the profession believing that life is valuable from beginning to end.  My cousin Sandy is a nurse in the Labor Room on nights.  My brother's friend Suzanne is a hospice nurse.  It's the circle of life.

BG is moving to her own place soon and it's all kind of flowing as if the universe is responding and I'm just a player which is OH so true.  I feel blessed and humbled to not be visiting loan sharks every day and know that my mama is taken care of.  The pressure to be in constant contact is off and that's a relief.  They will call if there's something to deal with.  When I pulled into the drive this afternoon I noticed that the gumball tree Daddy planted in my yard is beginning to turn and that made me sad.  Faithful, but sad.


1 comment:

  1. You write so well, Poopie. I definitely agree with you about the Pope. I prayed that nothing would happen to him while he is on American soil - or afterward. It's a darn shame that we have to worry about that possibility.
