Monday, September 14, 2015

and so it goes

Since Mom broke her arm last week we had to skip her GP appointment  while she was getting a cast and there are still papers to be signed for *ahem* housing assistance so here we went this afternoon IN the wheelchair to and fro.  You know a girl's been there done that when all she can say is "I'm glad it's not a hundred degrees!"  And back then there were two of them.  She's finally decided to quit asking what's going on because all I can tell her is the beat goes on and big fish are eating the little ones by the dozens.  My angel du jour is a very nice gentleman named Winston who helped me to get into my bank account for the first time in 9 days.  Now, call me paranoid but that was pretty slick pulling the whole deal off over a holiday weekend.   Since I lost my debit card I was pretty much screwed for 7-10 business days.  Thank you Winston at Simmons Bank.  You made my Monday a lot less stressful.  We also rolled out at the sawmill with new badges and t-shirts as our West TN division partners with 7 facilities in the Knoxville area.  Often with smart management resources can better serve communities.  I believe that will happen here as we drill down toward quality improvement at the beside and beyond.  If you give me a WOW card I promise I won't hurt a bit.

It's human nature to complain and some folks who seem blessed in more ways than I ever imagine will sit on a pity pot and whine from here to next year. I cannot understand this totally free floating state of negativity that circles certain individuals.  So you had a bad day.  What did you do to make it better??  Get over your bad self and put on the big girl panties.  If you lost 'em, I'll loan you some.  I don't always wear them but I do have a spare set.

Bernie... What can I say but "give 'em hell!"  At a time when I had totally lost faith in the government of this country you not only kicked the right's ass but also came out ahead of one of my not so favorite Democrats.  All of this, and you have no party ties and are funded by small contributions from voters themselves.  Sweet deal, kids.  If you don't vote smart, it's Zombie time.


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