Tuesday, September 15, 2015

code poopie

I was headed to the clock this afternoon when a co-worker asked me to be a secret shopper/ test patient for a new project.  I was all on a mission to get to the house so I kept on going and just as I rounded the corner one of the docs who raised me showed up as a volunteer for today's drill.  This is how we do things when the planets line up just right and that seems to be what's happening in my little world.  At.Last.  I got pulled over (again) and admonished by a city cop before daylight for not wearing a belt and showing a rear light out because I'm not sure why.  There are spare bulbs but something fried the connection on that trusty Camry so there you go.  

My cousin bought dinner and delivered candles yesterday evening and I stayed up way past bedtime and had fun for a change.  This is never a bad thing if you know what I mean.  It was her only day off for the next week and she had been up for 24 hours because she's a *nurse* who delivers babies and saves lives much like myself.  There's this new box store in UC that sells candles for a flat rate and I feel sure I'll never need to buy some expensive ass scent again. 

Today's mail contained the paperwork to continue my mother's financial obligation from the feds on Daddy's service.  It took nine phone calls and six weeks to get an official request for death certificates and other relevant info.  Meanwhile, she's trying to adjust to assisted living without Daddy.  I still can't believe the whole thing went down the way that it did, but it's a blessing I'm sure.  That's where me and RisibleGirl are alike...always with the Pollyanna.  "The sun will come up TOmorrow!"

I feel kind of pumped up by the political climate these days.  The two parties that have thrown barbs for years and done exactly the same things involving money-changing have been called out by the American people for what they are which is sort of biblical in a Pharisee/Saducee kind of way.  That says volumes to me as a believer.  

Other than that?  It's not a hundred degrees and I'm down with that.  Bring on the fall.



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