Sunday, March 8, 2015

potholes and peepers

Our three weeks of ice and snow have left giant gaping caverns in the pavement which one must keep a keen eye toward, most especially in a car with one tire on fix-a-flat. It did get us to Lake county and back yesterday which is the farthest it's been in months. When Lori and I were leaving the grands I stopped dead in my tracks at the sound of frogs. How quickly things change! There are still big piles of dirty snow everywhere but a week in the fifties and sixties will melt all that. Snowdrops and crocus came and went before the ice hit three weeks ago today. So much time has been spent trying to stay warm and mobile that it's a luxury to sit here knowing I can drive myself to work tomorrow, lord willing and the tire doesn't give. I plan to spend this day piddling and pampering. Babyman spent the night and is headed home in said trusty old Camry. The Cadi has two huge drifts on the front sides because it has NOT moved since Wednesday.

I have a vacation planned in May, my first in about five years. I had wanted to make it to the beach but the money won't be there as usual. I'll settle for a week planting a garden and playing outside...waking up with my body clock instead of the Samsung alarm on my shiny red badass phone. I need a total break from reality as I've known it and this past week was just the beginning of passages for several of us. Just like when the miracles flowed for me three weeks ago, everything came together for my friend's return to her home and family plus a connection to get her to a heart doctor. So much gratitude!

I was quite humbled to see the Selma turnouts noting that it was bi-partisan and heartfelt. Snowden wants to go to Switzerland and I honestly don't see why not because all he did was blow the whistle on things we should have known about to begin with. This whole cat and mouse in the airport thing is ridiculous and cost God knows how much in taxpayer dollars. The story is out there and putting him in jail won't do anything but make people madder. Transparency, y'all. That old saying about forgiveness being easier to get than permission isn't always true, especially when interfering with privacy.

Another friend is burying her mother today, something that I know is in my near future. That I know it in my heart doesn't mean I'm ready or even begin to like it, but it is what it is. My parents have lived long and happy lives in that little red log cabin and it 's home to me, just like this house on the hill. Only one other rental remains and it's getting spruced up like crazy. Still looking for a sugardaddy to move in so send him my way if you see him. As for my house all it needs right now is paint and I'd gladly do the labor but it's like pulling teeth to get anything done here. At least now I can take the quilt off the door that won't close.

Believe and prosper~

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