Friday, March 27, 2015

in a nutshell

Boy was I happy to get done with today's after work chores like getting a yearly gyno exam with my homies. They have a new building and the flow is better now. *snort* The receptionist played with the one baby present and I played Trivia Crack with Bekah only she was at home. Ah! The wonders of technology are many. It's better than having to carry a book around. I looked around at all the ready to burst preggos and remembered being that way myself 31 years ago. According to the biopsy I wasn't ovulating but six weeks later BG was on the way. There was no POC pregnancy testing then, only a blood one that took forever to run but was way easier than waiting for the rabbit to die. Gawd, I feel old.

Still no puppy sightings but I did find a couple of shoots in the asparagus bed so spring is coming just not this weekend. The bales are still getting hot and ready for planting during my vacay week. I'd rather go to the beach with Sugardaddy but that doesn't seem quite possible. Who knows? Miracles happen every day. Meanwhile, I'll keep the day job and play online like the hermit I am.

I'm creating a haven in my room which has been a royal disaster of Titanic proportions since um...about two years ago. I'm still sorting in the other rooms and cleaning floors in preparation for corporate's yearly visit. If I had paint I would spruce things up but well, you know. Meanwhile the dining room door is propped shut with an end table.

If there is one lesson to be learned with the mass killings of late it is this fact: Mental illness cannot be ignored. It is what it is and the system has a hard time keeping track of who's on what med and showing up to work after tearing up doctor's notes. Who gives an honest to goodness mental patient an excuse for work? In the freaking cockpit of a commercial jet? I see a pattern here that has been masterminded by self absorbed individuals like the Batman shooter with red hair. Or the one who killed all those kids and teachers, what's his name. The saddest thing of all about that one is that he got his weapons from his own mother's home.

I played cowboys and indians as a kid too so I realize that sometimes it seems like a game but the technology available now to all the whackos is just astounding. I got a friend request the other day from some guy that I feel sure was sitting at the cafe in Russia thinking I'm stupid. I may be a hot mess sometimes but I've never been stupid. Mr. Bruce said I was a genius and that's what counts. That plus I love kids and animals. And old people, oh how I love them. Looking back I see that every elderly person whom I befriended in the course of my job has prepared me for the death of my own parents. There was Miss Olive from England who regularly smoked ciggies and had three beers during cocktail hour. Me and work guy went to see her at the nursing home before she passed. I wanted to be at her service but it was private just for she and her hubby.

Seeing the anguish and suffering of so many families over the years leaves a mark no matter who you are or who your employer is. Some of us have been blessed beyond belief and failed to share in a Big Ernie kind of way. Jesus didn't ask for a lot of money, just belief in miracles. CAE is the most horrible troll EVER and never fails to jump on my cousin's dem~lib posts with all her Christian judgement. Remember the two political groups that were responsible for his death? *hint*hint* The Lenten season is headed toward Holy week. This Sunday little children all over the globe will wave palm branches in anticipation of the big Easter extravaganza where all the kids get new clothes and colored chickens that die. Hat tip to JenniferJ on that. Over and out from the lane. Try not to murder the Easter bunny on y'alls way home.

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