It's a nice day weatherwise, not nearly as hot as it has been. I was outside yesterday evening pulling weeds off the siding when a wasp or something bit me on the head. I've been bit a lot of places but never on the head. I applied an ice pack immediately and it's nothing but a sore spot today but I was worried about it being so close to my face.
I was in another store and saw something really sad. A guy was trying to use a card and just didn't get it. He explained that he didn't know what was on it because he found it in his late wife's purse. He thought he knew the PIN but they just bypassed that for him considering the circumstances. I believe he said she died in April. Just, wow.
There is little bird that has been trying to build a nest on the transom window sills and it just keeps falling off. She finally found a spot in a flower pot by the back door and there are three little eggs. I look forward to seeing those babies match. And if Mr. Snake comes around, he is dead meat.
My friend Marti wrote a song about John Wesley long ago and we used to sing it togther. I couldn't remember the lyrics but kinda' remember the tune so she will call me and coach on that. It just came to her one day when she was running with a friend. Who knows...maybe we'll sing it remotely to the world!
I have been a slacker with online ZOOM bible study lately. A lot of that is that the people who are in that group are WAY smarter than me when it comes to the Bible. I realize it's a learning experience but sometimes they get over my head.
We have had another COVID death in Dyer County, about my age and married to an old friend. Our kids grew up together. He was an accomplished photographer among other things. I am all about drinking water with electrolytes and take a magnesium supplment every day. I don't want the fizz....just flavored water. Electrolytes are a plus which is why I normally drink Propel but that's getting hard to find.
100 days until the election. The Senate and Congress are nowhere near a deal and the federal unemployment expires today. I expect to see way more people standing in food lines. Sad, but true. It's all sad really. At a time when our country is floundering both economically and pandemically, the administration is clueless. Dr. Fauci said that the vaccine is in phase 3 of clinical trials and will consist of two injections. I'm not sure I would go there but..
Y'all be merry and bright. I have found myself humming Christmas songs lately which is nostalgia in action. Christmas for me has been pretty much low key since my parents died. Last year my brother and I ate at Huddle House, but I did manage to put on a Thanksgiving meal. Who knows this time around?
Reaves was with her Daddy last Christmas morning so it's Lauren's turn to be Santa this year. I have become acutely aware that unless you are young enough to believe in Santa Claus, it's just a family gathering with no gifts required. Except handmade, of course.
It has been almost 8 months since my "near death" experience. There have been a lot of ups and downs but then everybody has those. For the most part I feel healthy and while not strong, able to function well. I am still not comfortable having the reversal surgery just yet, partly because of COVID. We shall see what September and Medicare bring.
Keep the faith kids. Love ya' like chicken!