Friday, May 11, 2018

easy breezy

The walk is, indeed, getting easier.  Today there was a nice breeze thus lower humidity.  That makes a world of difference.  The poison ivy is thriving as usual.  It's insane how big it gets on those pecan trees and in the woods.  Of course the dogs get all up in it while I'm walking so I'll be lucky if I don't get broken out.  

I'm already getting a farmer's tan so I shopped JC Penney for 5 dolla' tank tops and some shorts.  That will be my summer uniform since no.more.scrubs.  I've spent the morning networking from home on a fundraiser for Damascus.  They are the only opiate recovery center in Dyersburg and they are certified in Narcan administration.  They are trying to raise funds for inpatient beds for clients but it's a slow go.  They don't get much attention like the other non-profits do.  Anywho...we'll see what happens there.  What started as a jail ministry has grown into something that we really need in this area because of the abundance of meth and opiates around here.  There is no inpatient facility for men.  

I passed a guy today in a white Dodge Ram truck who was highly dissatisfied with his purchase, enough so that he wrote all OVER the truck in red that he bought a lemon and how much it cost, etc.  He even had a balloon flying from the window!  I admire that on many levels.  

Happy Mother's day to all you muthas' out there or anybody who has acted as  one.  As we all know, it takes a village.

Peace ~

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