Tuesday, January 9, 2018

hurry up and wait

Doing business from a laptop and a phone is often an exercise in futility.  Unfortunately that's what I'm dealing with right now so I'm playing the game with phone tag and long wait times plus an email here and there.  How on earth do the elderly manage without being able to navigate the internet?  My hero du jour is the insurance agent who is sensitive enough to ask "do you have email?" realizing that not everyone does.  

So the thaw continues to be followed by more brutal cold.  And yes, I've checked the propane level.  35% should get me through the next week.  The faucets will have to go back on drip....same song, second verse.  Hopefully I'll get the garbage to the road before it hits.  I've been looking at the glass as half full lately.

My husband once accused me of "psychoanalyzing" him which is something I just do because of lots of experience in life, both good and bad.  He was very passive aggressive which is difficult to deal with on a long term basis.  So was my father.  Being verbally abusive is never okay, even if you don't hit.  To tell someone else that they don't have a clue and pass judgement is the worst kind of projection.  I have a relationship that is just that and fortunately I've set boundaries and continued to love.  In therapy when I realized I was acting out some of the same behaviors that had hurt me, I stopped.  Cold turkey.  

A lot of people don't know how to take me because I am so up front.  I don't play games unless I have to.  What I seek for myself now is enjoying life with true friends and family and making a living.  I do my bestest to affect social change and slowly but surely I see it coming around in spite of the circus.

My prediction on the Sessions THC stance is that those states that are benefitting from sales of marijuana will fight like hell to change the federal law.  It is not enforcable as it stands now and there are way too many patients benefiting from medicinal use.  Children.  The elderly.  People with neurological disorders and depression.  If it is approved federally, you can bet your sweet ass all the pharma bros will be standing in line for their cut.  It would dip into their profits.

I was pleasantly surprised when I received the statement from my orthopedic doc.  Last time around I ended up owing almost a thousand dollars which put me into bankruptcy.  This balance is doable and will be paid along with all the other providers.  I'm sure a big fat co-pay will show up on somebody's bill.

The train just went by with its' lonely sound punctuated by the beep of the smoke detector.  I can't get the cover off to change the battery!  Dang, I need a handyman.  

Act as if ~

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