Saturday, July 22, 2017

the two year mark

Ginner passed away in January of 2015 long after her husband and two daughters. Next was Aunt Nancy in June who had been suffering with Alzheimer disease for years. Pnoler was found dead on father's day eve. We sat together at Curry's as a family honoring his life.  It was at Nancy's visitation that I ran over Daddy's foot with the Camry.  Dewey and Kay will never let me live that down.  Nick sang and it was a nice service with our little rag tag family hovering together.  I knew Daddy was sick at this point of the year but just not how badly.  He was admitted at the end of June with an acute hernia that ended up showing that he was eat up with infection from an earlier repair.  He died on August 4th under hospice care via Caris.  I will never forget my doc friends telling me to let him go after that long surgery that made him where he couldn't breathe.  It went on for a week in ICCU.

Pretty soon after that we moved Mom to Maple Ridge for assisted living.  She went in September, probably around Labor Day and we got her set up in one day.  We were in and out during UT football season Halloween and Thanksgiving.  Her hip snapped at the church right before Christmas and that was the beginning of the end.  She had the least invasive type of surgery on her osteoporitic hip and it was an epic fail.  Next was partial hip replacement.  Amazingly all went well with that until she developed a ruptured diverticulum that poisoned her body.  Back to Caris in January.  Without the usual COPD/CHF meds she lasted two days.  Tommy was with her when she passed.  "Don't let me hurt and don't leave me" she said.  

It was a lot to process at that time especially because I was being thrown under the bus at work.  I'm not sure why except for I was an easy target and didn't speak up.  Well, I did but the powers that be didn't listen.  During this entire time my co-workers did their best to respect my parents and honor them with their service.  Shit happens and people die. Compassionate care is what's up if you want to be real.  

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