Sunday, February 14, 2021

the universe

Evidently it was meant for me to get my nest made at the cabin today because I woke up with frozen water in spite of dripping faucets and open cabinet doors.  I let Bubba know and proceeded to pack up a few things for what might be a long stay.  He met me down here and helped to deice the steps then headed on home.  I went back to the "old" house to get a few more things and then the freakin' car wouldn't start!  Back he comes to boost me off and we had to figure it out because Ford makes it extremely hard to get to the battery on an Escape.  Of course I didn't know that 'til now.  Once I got going, I didn't turn it off as I motored on up to AutoZone to get the battery checked.  She couldn't even get her tool up in that tiny spot to check it.  We were all cussin' Ford. Miraculously, it started again when i got to the cabin.  Lerd.  My valentine is definitely my brother.

My parents were married on this day in 1954 so I'm wishing them a heavenly happy anniversary from their home of 60 years.  I went to the 'gentral this morning to scoop up the last two jugs of deicer and totally forgot to get bird feed.  The way this day is going I reckon they'll have to eat bread crumbs.  

It is warm here now and there is running water.  I'm sure it will take a while for me to get settled in.  Oscar refused to come with me which is unusual for him to skip a car ride.  I think he senses the move and doesn't much like being away from Libby.  I left him in the house on the hill with food and water and will check in as needed.  If he drinks the water that's in the pan, I'll have to take some from here.  It's like working a puzzle.  

Y'all be safe.  It looks like a wicked week in Tennessee so if you're a snow lover, this is your time.  I've got to get to gettin' on my nest here.  Love ya' like chicken ^j^

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