The girls were here when I got home and I showed Reaves the program and asked her if she knew who that guy was. "Mawtin Wuther King" she exclaimed! I about died. She's only five and knows what is important.
My friend from the 'gentral died shortly after we met at the local hospital. Brain bleed, I'm told. Yesterday I stopped to visit her mother by choice and we had a nice long conversation in the sunny driveway. "She was all I had" said Nancy. There were cats galore and even a sign on the back door warning about them. Her funeral is tomorrow and I may or may not make it but I remember being with her when she left this world. "What a sweet lady that cared for her" said Nancy. I told her flat out that it wasn't me but God. He put me at the right place at the right time. Otherwise June would have been driving them home and possibly injured others.
Poopie still ain't acting right. I have an appointment with a surgeon to see what's up. It bleeds around the edges and leaks a lot. I have one of those that is flush to the abdomen and hard to manage. I'm learning. Maybe it needs to be revised or something. Who knows. I went by see my friend Jimmy today and got a complimentary Gatorade which is always nice. We are polar opposites on politics but there's a strong friendship there.
IMHO, that's the way it should be ^j^
When Mom and Dad moved back to Dyersburg, they went to the Martin Luther King Celebration every year. They also joined the NAACP. It must run in the Reaves family. Great blog and congratulations on writing for the Gazette!