Thursday, December 14, 2017


The camry hasn't been started in a week and I had a back porch full of garbage so I loaded up the trunk with my right hand and proceeded out to the road where the can sits.  One by one..right hand only.  It's cold, by the way.  There were two Christmas cards in the box along with a certified letter notice FINAL from the IRS.  It's okay.  I know what it says.

Net neutrality will more than likely die today at the same time Disney purchases Fox.  Coincidence?  I think not.  I could be wrong but it sounds like Big Brother will have the upper hand in this "market based" move.  

Meanwhile, the White House staff shifts and shuffles.  I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine why Trump would want Bannon to run Moore's campaign.  Maybe he has memory loss but it backfired and Progessives all over America rejoiced.  A precedent has been set, so to speak.  Maybe there's hope after all.  

Sadly, I came to the end of the Handmaid's Tale.  Now I have to find another addiction to fill time.  The pantry is full thanks to Mamye.  She noticed something dead on the side of the road yesterday but I totally missed it.  As it turns out it's some kind of giant cat ( bobcat maybe? ) and a possum that got into it and both of them died.  Bubba has pictures and the warden will check it out.   Let's hope the boys know better than to tangle with that. 

I'm expecting a call from the APN to find out exactly what was done since the tendons weren't repaired.  Hopefully something got fixed after all this.  I knew going in that it was a possibility.  Prayers for mobility!

Onward ~

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