Wednesday, March 26, 2014

random acts

Our little 'burg is in the news right now for a rash of "random acts of kindness" where folks in line at the fast food restaurants pay for the customers behind them anonymously. There is one particular doctor that I work with who does the same at our sawmill cafeteria and I'm always pleasantly surprised when it's my turn. That is the entire reason that I can't begin to tell you the miracle that BlogFairy has been to me and mine. It's like I was chosen, strictly on the basis of my writing, to receive gifts and surprises when I needed them most. I'll never forget how much joy that the USPS boxes have brought to me and BG. I've had theories over the years about who it might be but the beauty of it is that I don't need to know, just to pay it forward because that's what J would do. He wanted us so badly to "get it" and it's a blessed individual who does in spite of a world filled with hate and greed. One life, one day at a time.

I believe that Big Ernie reaches out to where you are in the journey and kind of taps you on the shoulder right before the shit starts hitting the fan in your daily life in such a way that you ask "why me Lord?" Usually it means misplaced priorities like the addictions to money and power(SEE:Koch God has given me many talents over the years and I'm sorry to say that I didn't always give the glory back. Shame on me and all ya'll who have had moments of thinking you're the shit only to get smacked right on the old ass one.more.freakin.time.

Here's the thing about ego and works, in my honest opinion. It only counts if nobody else knows what you did. My daughter is going on another adventure tomorrow and from now on this is "home" in such a way that it's never been as in you can't drive five miles and get what matches that cute shirt. One of my younger friends stopped by today and we tried to sit on the porch but it's still cold as shit. Seriously! We've got buttercups and forsythia and other than that it's barren. Especially the part of the lawn yard that I managed to scorch. Mrs. Council's neatly planted row of daffodils survived the fire and are opening as I type. Before you know it will be Easter morning and the joy will be so wonderful that you go to church not just on that day (and Christmas)but on a regular basis because you WANT to not because God is gonna' punish your wicked ways. I've never understood that particular brand of coming to Jesus. As a student of John Wesley and Marti Margrave plus many others, I understood the meaning of "whenever two or more are gathered in His name" and don't usually feel the need to get up early on Sunday. The church is in your life and relationships, the day to day relationships that offer opportunities to minister and heal without judging. There but by the grace of God, go I.

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