They're everywhere in my yard flashing bright yellow to signal the end of this horrible ass winter. Forsythia finally made an appearance but I think the quince got nipped by the ice storm because it was already budding. Still, there's a brisk wind and unless you're in the sun it can be chilly. And guess what? It's spring allergy time! And I'm out of Zyrtec! My bad. After sleeping in today I ran to the grocery store and visited the ATT store to get a decent phone for BG. Her battery is taped in, bless her heart. With her moving she definitely needs a good phone...just saying. She thanked me and went back to bed ,snoozing her way through the exhaustion that comes from intense therapy. I envy her the ability to just conk out like that. Boogs can do it too and he honestly looks like an angel when he's asleep.
So this day is mine to waste in whatever fashion I see fit. My problem is one of concentration on task so that I end up right smack in the middle of 20 projects in the works. Like bill paying. And sweeping. I suspect it's an adult ADHD kind of deal or maybe I have early onset Alzheimer's. My auntie with the broken hip is in Martin still trying to get to a point where she can sleep and do physical therapy somewhere. It looks like a long road to me, and I pray for resolution so that my cousin isn't burdened any more with it.
More and more states are getting their anti-gay marriage asses kicked by federal judges which only makes sense because "hello!" I try not to take joy in the passing of any life from this earth, but Fred Phleps' death tempted me to get off the wagon. I'm glad that his death was publicized and put away because I kind of see this as a turning point for us as a country. Why do we insist on fracturing the functions of government over personally held religious beliefs? Who is to say whose beliefs are the RIGHT ones. It certainly isn't me or you. Being self centered makes folks have zero empathy for anyone other than mirror images of themselves. Yo...deep thoughts today!
Cultural diversity is something that doesn't tend to happen outside of big cities, and most especially those in the poverty stricken deep south. I live in a town where the number of churches is almost as many as the number of businesses that are surviving in our little patch of real estate. The personally held prohibitionist beliefs of many of them affected our 'burg in a lot ways and ran the local economy into the ground. Boss Hoss cycles is located about two miles from my house and the owner used to host a show every year that featured people and bikes from all over the world. The board of mayor and alderman shut down his attempt to serve alcohol at the event so he moved it elsewhere. Where in the Bible does it say do not serve alcohol? Drunkardness, yes. Gluttony...of course. But that's a whole 'nother discussion for when I'm in a seven deadly sins kind of mood. Today I choose to be happy. Mama's having a rough time today so we talked and I reminded her that at age 80 she might want to find her peaceful spot and quit trying to run the world.
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