Saturday, January 26, 2013

that's what's up

I stepped a few ounces lighter today after getting a free trim by our friend Shana. BG got one too and we promptly felt like beautiful women once again. Anna and Dooder came by for a visit and Steve made us pizza! Big fun and a huge blessing for all involved. We watched Baby Mama which reminded me how much I miss SNL and CBS Sunday Morning. Don't ask about that combo, I'm particular with my passions. It's about time for the final season of Weeds to come out and if anybody tells me the ending there will be hell to pay...just saying. The timeliness of that series regarding Dubya's "war on drugs" will always stay with me as a fine series from talented writers and actors. JK? Love ya...mean it.

Our carefully made plans for more help with the grands has been reversed by them as of today. She has been employed exactly one week, and I hate to see her go but it's not my decision to make. Yet. Evidently Big Ernie is keeping a close watch on them because she's falling about every other day and still hasn't broken a bone. Both of them spoke of having the lady there to help as "a stranger in the house." uncomfortable. OHMYLORD! They don't realize that they're one catastrophe away from a nursing home, yet continue to sabotage our efforts to keep them safe at home. I have a peace with it now which I feel sure was made possible by sheer frustration and self preservation. It is what it is...that's what's up, as Shana says. I left my sweet mama in bed crying today, her guilt over being a "bother" taking over. After gently explaining that it's what kids do for their parents, she told me she loved me and then I was on my way past the new irrigation system to the top of our hill.

KY cousin and her hub are both having a bump in the road with their health but it's all looking better today. Hopefully they'll be safe at home together tonight. For all ya'll who survived the flu season peak, say a big Amen because it's been a doozie so far. I heard through the grapevine that my ex cousin in law was wondering what's up with me because I've been not quite so prolific with the words of late. He's the same one that never misses a chance to poke at me about politics. Deb told me that backing off from the desktop usage has really helped her to de-stress.
Of course her phone is smart, and mine is pretty stupid!

There is peace on Pecan Lane today in an oddly familiar all is right with the world way. We have survived some very harrowing times lately but BE has never failed to get us through to see another day. We have something to eat and a warm place to sleep. It's more than a whole bunch of other people only dream of. That humbles me, and puts me in my place as a whiner and complainer of trivial things. Like my ex always said "You think too damn much."'re right dude. We have a houseful of dogs and cat that is an allergy sufferers' nightmare, but they are family and the more the merrier.


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