Saturday, January 2, 2021

basic necessities

My neighbor brought by some New Year's Day food yesterday evening and while he was here visiting I dropped my only pair of reading glasses and they broke.  They have been good ones that I bought online for ten bucks last year, lost and found them in a coat pocket and carried on. So this morning found me waiting for the 'gentral to open so I could get some specs.  I got two pair of 3.25 just in case.  It's hard to find anything over that strength.  I do have a new pair of distance glasses aka driving glasses for the far sighted thing.  Not that I travel much, but.....

My gum is healing well from the extraction and I'm learning how to chew again without that molar.  Next will be a partial per year until it's all done.  I'll be wired up like a Christmas tree!  My home church is back to virtual online worship after a few months of very cautious in person worship.  I'd just as soon watch it online in my jammies because the message is always good thanks to Mary Beth and the rest of the staff.  I noticed in our newsletter that last week's attendance in person was about a hundred with over two hundred present online.  Folks are scared to go anywhere with good reason.  I read today that one of my favorite nurses who has been tirelessly serving COVID patients in Jackson is now herself stricken with the virus.  This is reality folks.  Remember that the next time you touch a doorknob or don't wear a mask.

As for the political scene, WTF?  Everybody is turning on everybody and Trump is pissed at all the Republicans who have been his lackeys for years.  Their override of his veto was infuriating to him.  Too bad dude.  It's over.  Move on.  

I am slowly but surely making plans to move to the cabin.  It will be in fits and starts and I have until May 31st to vacate.  My biggest challenge so far is to find bedding for the antique 3/4 piece that was my great great grandmother's.  That size mattress and spring is hard to come by.  I'm also shopping for a boundary collar for Ellie to try out here on the hill before we move.  I hate to do that but she will smooth get run over down there without some constraints.  She is currently sacked out on my bed and Oscar in the recliner.  They fight over the recliner because it's right by my desk.  My friend brought me an arts and crafts sort of table that will be perfect for either a desk or a place to put potted flowers on the back porch.  

As Hoss would say "and so it goes."  He is a dung beetle somewhere busily writing political speeches and making the other beetles laugh.  That makes me smile really big.  

Y'all be safe and blessed ^j^


  1. I still miss Hoss...after all this time I still think of him on the first of the month, saying "Rabbit, rabbit."
