Friday, January 22, 2021

man on the street

There is a street preacher who switches back and forth between Kroger and WalMart pacing the sidewalks and hollering the gospel for all to see.  I've seen him before and heard a bit about his story so being the reporter wannabe' that I am, when I spotted him on the WalMart side while I was fueling up at Kroger, I decided to go over and meet him.  His name is Joshua and I asked him about his story.  He said that he had been deep into addiction with a career in music then lost it all due to the drugs.  We chatted about the Lord and repentance and forgiveness.  It was truly a God moment.  I shook his hand which sported tatted up knuckles and went on my. I asked to take his picture but he didn't want it on FB.  

I had a chance to get a COVID vax today but the timing wasn't good so I had to pass for now.  Evidently they are calling people late in the day so as not to waste a dose and my friend gave me a shoutout.  I was working so I could not have made it in time.  There will be another opportunity and I will wait my turn.  I do now have the link to get on the list.  

Today was sunny and cool but I was mesmerized by the twinkling of the sun on the lake out at paradise.  We, as usual, watched Kelly and loved every minute of it.  Pearl brings everybody who comes in a present....sometimes a toy, or perhaps a roll of packing tape or a remote.  She won't let go of it though.  It's the thought that counts.  She knows that when I say walk we are about to do laps around the house.  Smart doggie!  Oscar greeted me in the yard and scampered up to claim his spot in the recliner.  

I chatted with an old out of town friend today who wanted to come by and visit and I told her I wouldn't be until later.  When I pulled up I noticed a tote on the back porched filled with iced down Michelob Ultra!  Thank you Sally Rone!  You made my day.

It's time to go catch the sunset.  Y'all be blessed ^j^

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