Tuesday, January 26, 2021

don't poke the bear

Lerd, y'all.  I don't know what's going on with the world but about half of it is batshit crazy.  We had a couple of murders up around Reelfoot and the details are baffling.  It will be interesting to see what really happened.  Currently there is one suspect on the loose considered armed and dangerous....older guy.  The deceased and injured were all young men in love with duck hunting, or so it seems.  Hmmmm.

I've been home for a little over an hour and on the phone the whole time.  My network is so big that if I go missing, somebody will  notice I'm absent. The sun came out today and twinkled on the lake.  I tried to take a picture but a phone cam just doesn't do it justice.  I've been too busy to do any moving but that will come.  I'm kind of a space cadet and I've got a lot of balls in the air right now.  I write notes and them lose them.  I tend to use my morning hours doing business and being on hold.  There are prescriptions to pick up and felt furniture pieces to buy.  It kills my soul to go into Lowe's so I may just see if I can order for pickup.  That is how I roll these days.  

Reaves' tent and my book are already on the way thanks to the 'zon.  I just hope the delivery people can find me at my mailing address.  That is a persistent problem since the change of the road name.  

I'm on a list for the vaccine but wayyyyy out.  I'm careful and secluded so that makes me feel better about the whole deal.  I noticed that gas jumped another dime today and I can only assume it's about shutting down Keystone.  As an environmentalist, I agree on the action.  As a consumer I will pay out the ass.  Such is life.  I often wonder what Old Hoss the dung beetle is thinking about all this crap.  He would prolly' say "too bad."  

Keep the faith ^j^

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