Sunday, October 25, 2020

with age comes wisdom

I worshiped online this morning with my virtual FUMC family.  They are a faithful lot for certain.  It's stewardship season so there was a lot of talk about John Wesley and his lessons on money and vocation.  Mary Beth mentioned about how working hard at your vocation can literally rob you of time with family and things that matter, particularly in a toxic work environment.  Been there, done that for many years.  She also spoke about using the wisdom that you gained during those years to coach others on their journey to a better life.  If work drains you and doesn't make you happy, it's time to go.

That is why I left corporate healthcare.  My strong point was visiting with patients and being a constant fixture at that hospital.  I was a well known local and my picture still hangs there on the hallway by the lab, for what it's worth.  41 years to be exact.  I do not regret a minute from the time I decided enough was enough.  I cried and there was no retirement dinner or ink pen.  When I was there, I did the best I could to help sick people which was probably my calling.  I could have made a ton more money working for Siemens or one of those other high tech companies that sell equipment and do training.  I chose, instead, to hold people's hands and tell them it's all gonna' be alright.

I continue to be an advocate for those I hold near and dear.  I don't make a lot of money for it but it's the next right thing to do in my retirement years, especially during a pandemic. I choose my clients wisely and do my best for them.  I wear a mask when I go out.  Screw all you idiots who refuse to do so because of your "rights".  

So, John Wesley was a Methodist.  And so am I.  Most of all I am a believer in a loving and forgiving God who wants us to be at peace.  Our hearts were warmed around that small group and thus began the Wesleyan tradition.  Reason. Tradition, Experience and The Word.    


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