Friday, October 2, 2020

livin' on a prayer

Welp, I struck out on two job interviews this week for different reasons.  However I am not a quitter and definitely one who believes in God's timing.  The right thing at the right time will appear when I least expect it.  I've done a little bit of everything since I retired and being an errand runner for homebound folks has been my favorite gig.  I know there's got to be tons more out there who can't drive and need an errand girl.  

My Microsoft office yearly subscription had expired so I felt frisky and renewed it which ended up in me being broker than usual.  The way I see it is as an investment in my future to become proficient in all those apps.  I've never even done a spread sheet before.  I know...gah.  It took everything I had just to navigate our LIS and get everything documented. Get this.  At one time a positive UDS was considered an "alert" value which required calling the unit and documenting who was notified.  That went by the wayside before I ever left.  

So who am I now?  My strong points are writing, photography and customer service.  I stopped by the Salvation Army today to drop off plastic bags and got to visit with one of my long time co-workers Sandra.  She was a career loyal like me and when she left they hired FIVE people to do what she was doing by herself.  The more you take on, the more they expect.  It's the corporate way.  

Learning to know my limits has come in fits and starts over the years.  I am at the point now where my boundaries change from day to day but there are certain things I hold close.....loyalty to those who have supported me and loved me unconditionally, humility and a prayerful approach to life.  I am definitely NOT in control.  

I wish the POTUS and FLOTUS well if, in fact, they are infected with COVID.  That's my kindness showing.  He did, in fact, go asking for it by holding rallies and not masking.  And he is in a high risk group from obesity and age.  Our country is in chaos partly because of his failure to act responsibly to a national emergency.  

I just don't understand some people but that's okay.  I'm my own kind of strange that everybody can relate to.  I am enjoying this pleasant weather while it lasts.  Sweater weather as we call it here in Tennessee.  But don't put your shorts up yet because you just never know when it will get comfy enough to wear them.  I don't put my clothes up, per se, anymore because with our climate you need to be able to have something available for every season.  

Early voting begins a week from today.  I will do that while out for my mammogram which, hopefully, Medicare pays for.  I mean, it's preventive right????  I have never understood why preventive care is not free.  Well, actually I do.  The more diseases that go undiagnosed, the more money there is to be made on diagnostics and treatment.  Trust me kids.  I worked there for years.

Anywho, let's all hold hands and sing kumbaya.  And be nice!

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