Friday, September 11, 2020

where were you?

Of course, I was at work.  I watched the whole thing go down on the TV in the doctor's lounge.  That was before every department had a television to entertain folks in the waiting room.  Ms Anita came and got me, told me to come with her and check out what was happening to our country.  It was and still is a surreal experience to think about somebody hating our country bad enough to fly UNDER the radar for five years and launch a totally pre-planned attack on America.  Pure terrorism.  The image that sticks in my mind of that is of the FDNY chaplain being carried out of the carnage.  

There was a memorial project founded by DC Roe that featured every life lost that day and I was a part of it.  My article was on Neil Levin who was pretty much a political high roller.  Over the Port Authority.  If I can find it, I'll post it in his memory and for all those other folks who lost their lives.  Nineteen years later and we are still a nation in crisis.  

Can you imagine what Trump's response would be to something of that magnitude?  I admire George W for sticking with us when the ship was going down.  He was a "good Republican" who cared about his people and got led down the rabbit hole by Cheney.  But that is history, and involved a whole 'nother generation of vets who still to this day struggle with the horrors of Iraq and Afghanistan.  

We will survive the current state of affairs but to me, it is a stern warning for the sheeple to wake up and put down the koolaid.  Think on that one and pray about it ^j^

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