Friday, September 25, 2020

dueling signs

Today was my appointed one to work the DCDP headquarters.  I was going through my morning internet routine when I got a text from my neighbor asking if I had called the county yet.  "For what?" was my reply.  She told me to look out the window where a girnomous pecan limb was blocking the lane.  Oh boy.  I called good old Jeff Jones, on his day off no less, and he was out here in his own truck with a chainsaw clearing that mess so we could get out.  Our paths have crossed many times lately for various reasons.  I can honestly say that this man, the Dyer County road supervisor, is one of the most dedicated civil servants I have ever had the pleasure of calling friend.  Thank you sir, from the bottom of my heart.

I made it to my appointment only ten minutes late and was amazed at the number of people who came through to see what's up at the Biden/Harris headquarters.  I was in awe, meeting new people and being with my kindred spirits.  One couple of ladies came from Missouri to get signs because they didn't want to wait.  Everybody is anxious and ready to get 'er done.  This is the most important election of my lifetime and I intend to give it all I've got in spite of the meanies and bullies.  A bunch of yard signs were stolen and also the two big ones at the headquarters. They were found and the law is now involved.  

The yard crew ran over my sign last week so I had to get another stand while I was there today.  It now stands proudly back in the yard across from the tiny Trump/Pence one that some scoundrel planted across the road from me.'s all in fun right?  It should be anyway.  The vitriol and hatred gets us nowhere as people of community.  

Does campaigning make a difference?  Indeed it does, particularly when there are those who are registered to vote and don't use that privilege.  If you are not registered you can do so until October 5th in Dyer County.  Early voting starts October 14th and absentee voting is already going on.  There is no excuse NOT to take a bit of time and use the power that the Constitution gave us.   Have a good one.  And tell mama'n'them I say hey y'all.  

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