Tuesday, September 22, 2020

it takes a village

Today was easy yoga day not to be confused with Thursday which is much harder.  As usual there were lots of pre-schoolers looking through the windows and waving at the old ladies trying to get fit.  Anywho, I lingered around a bit talking and noticed my two friends gathered around her husband's car.  She had the manual out which is never a good sign.  Her car is in the shop thus she dropped hubby off at work and was driving his.  The battery was out on her key fob but there's a special place where you can insert the key.  Check.  Only it got stuck!  She was parked where the pre-school picker uppers get in line so we were trying to get her out of the way.  Other friend left and I hung around to direct the drivers around her and sure enough an elderly couple pulled up behind us to be first in line.  After explaining what was going on, dude moved up and came back to try and help but to no avail. Other friend had called her husband to come by and check it out.  He arrived about the time that friend one's husband got there on foot from his office downtown.  He, of course, had a fob too and they used it to get the car started so she could get it to the dealership.  Lord only knows what it's going to take to fix that.  It was a three ring circus and exactly like something that would happen to me on any given day.

I headed from there to run errands for my client and all went well.  Except I forgot to give him his change until I got a few blocks away so here I go back to his apartment to deliver the money.  There was a funeral going on next door with all kinds of motorcycles lined up and as I was leaving they were all cranking up to go to the graveyard.  Me not being a biker chick, I was amazed.  

Today is Lauren's birthday and the poor thang has strep.  We plan on having some joint birthday face time after she picks Doodlebug up at school.  Where there's a will there's a way.  One of my must watch videos on FB is Kristen Hampton product testing in her car.  Today's item was an electric make up blower and as usual, she hit the ball out of the park. As usual she urged people to not jump into the mean pile but instead be in the nice pile.  She raises a LOT of money for good causes, just saying.  Plus, she's hilarious.  

As a side note, if you need mangled corn stalks for your fall decorationg needs, I'm your girl.  All tips will be appreciated.  Y'all be kind and tell your mama'n'them I said to jump right in the middle of that nice pile.  

Over and out from Pecan Lane.  Love ya....mean it.   

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