Sunday, September 20, 2020

comparing labor

On this day three years ago and thirty six years ago Lauren and I were respectively in labor with Elizabeths.  Mine was at home until induction on the 22nd and Lauren was in the middle of a three day induction at Jackson General.  Both labors are still burned in my mind.  My family and friends had a pizza party in the waiting room while I was being induced and Lauren was just there with good old Mom while she waited and waited.  Her wait ended at 1030 the night before she turned 33.  I had never been a active participant in a C-section until that night and it was not pretty.  Her epidural did't work and she was screaming in pain with me and a CRNA holding her down and talking her through it until Reaves was out and Lauren got KNOCKED out.  I got to see Reaves weighed, measured and cleaned up. I was the first to hold her and I fell in love instantly.  She was normal and healthy and scremed like a banshee.  Later she spent some time in a lighted box for bilirubin, in Lauren's room.  That was when we found out that babies stay with Mama instead of going to the nursery!  

They are busy working the corn fields out here and I went for a walk and met a new guy who is the brother of one of my old work buddies.  One of the trucks had the window down and Ellie was steady trying to crawl up in it.  I left her there and she eventually came home.  This is the dog that I used to have to drag into a car.  Now, if there's a door open she's in.  Oscar, on the other hand has always loved to ride and hang out the window. Once when we were going to Newbern when Lauren lived there he jumped out the window and rolled through the cotton field a few times.  He learned his lesson that day..

Y'all be well and love your enemies.  Pray for them like Jesus said.  It's good for your own soul ^j^

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