Thursday, September 17, 2020

great day to be alive

I just walked a bit on the new road and it is glorious!  Plus the weather is nice.  I headed to south Pecan Lane to visit with my neighbor and all the critters.  Their garden is kaput just like mine.  It's so peaceful down there but don't let the tranquility fool you.  She will shoot somebody in a heartbeat!

I have no agenda today, and usually not on any day.  I like it like that.  If I had not taken early retirement I would have missed all this and still be waiting for 66.  I have been musing about all that I've lived through this year and thankful to be here.  Almost dying makes you tend to do that.  It was a long recovery and during that time one of my furbabies died.  I will never forget the kindness of my neighbor burying Sammy D in the cold rain.  He died peacefully on my office floor and didn't even make a mess.  Him was my buddy.  

While I was rehabbing the whole world changed as COVID hit.  This has been one helluva year for not just me but everybody.  I often wonder why God spared my life not once but twice over diverticulitis and I can only suppose He wanted me to experience the culture shock along with the rest of the world.  Maybe encourage more of the down trodden and smack down a few more idiots.  That seems to be my life's calling.

I managed to score a 2 pack of Lysol wipes today at the gentral' because they were unloading the truck.  Thursday is the day to find stuff up there, just saying.  As usual my Propel was on the top shelf so a nice lady had to climb the ladder for it.  I offered but she said NOOOO!  They are half the price there as they are at a convenience store.  I have talked with Yaya and Mamye in that order and then to my surgeon's nurse in Memphis.  it's complicated she said.  Sometimes a surgeon won't undo what aother one did.  We shall see.

Keep calm and carry on ^j^

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