Saturday, July 6, 2024

the saga continues

With my car, that is.  Following the failed bearing which was replaced under warranty it was quickly fixed and I picked it up the next day.  While at Lake Road Service Center the tires were rotated and oil changed, but they couldn't be balanced there so I had to visit the service station up the road for the balance.  They were backed up in both bays so I was told to be there first in line Monday at 7:30.  Will do, plus get them to check the brakes.

I have been waking up at the butt crack of dawn for several weeks now, like at 5 to 6 AM.  Today I had to empty el baggo at 4 AM and was then wide awake.  Lerd. I watched a pretty sunrise and then headed out to find breakfast.  All of the usual places were closed for the holiday weekend so I went to good old Huddle House that NEVER closes and had steak and eggs.  sweet Janice waited on me and wanted to know if Bubba was coming.  No girl, just me.  After that I went to the farmer's market at the fairgrounds where there were plenty of homegrown maters, squash, okra and cucumbers.  I passed on all that and bought two soy candles and a car freshie made with essential oil.  One lady at a jewlry table showed me a limited edition fancy ass drop necklace that she created in memory of her mother who would have been 95 this year.  Being limited edition, there will be only two more made and sold.  I thought that was a lovely tribute to her mother who died last year.  The downside to having it at the fairgrounds is the steep hill down to where the set up is.  Going down was easy but the hike back up tested my hiking skills.  

After that Mamye and I ran errands and then headed back home.  If I was a bettin' kind of gal I'd say I'll be out like a light before 7.  And probably wake up at 5 again.  Y'all keep the faith ^j^

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