Friday, July 26, 2024

i blame the cat

Rosie gets blamed for everything that goes missing around here plus other things like that I bought a used Ford from a shady dealer a few years ago.  I read today that their CEO has tanked the company.  Currently none of the the things like lights or electronics work in my car.  2015 Ford Escape.  I will be paying for the transmission for the next 3 years because the bank has my title.  My screen is black and I listen to the local station because I can't see that navigation screen.  Once again, an electrical issue.  If I could afford a lawyer I would sue Ford but I can't so there ya' go.  I bought it used from Gene Langley Ford in Humbolt TN 3 years ago.  Live and learn.  I would give my eye teeth for a Toyoto but they are already gone and I have dentures.  

I traipsed across Crockett County today in the pouring rain so that LP could go to a job interview and I could visit Ms. Reba.  I'll spare you the details on that interview but HR failed to show up and they asked her to come back in the afternoon.  She offered do to a zoom interview but they were not receptive.  I played the Mama card and called the one person that I still know there and we chatted forever about the old days.  I realize that shit happens but damn.

Somebody hacked my FB today and it isn't the first time.  I cannot imagine having nothing better to do than mess with somebody else's social media.  I have come to learn that if somebody sends you a friend request that you are already friends with it's one of those folks.  I always just delete the request.

Rosie and I have talked about Roellen coming to live here and so far she's cool with it.  We shall see.  And leave room for the spirit to work ^j^

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