Tuesday, July 23, 2024

shoo fly

Lord y'all...the horseflies are attacking like little ninjas with no fear whatsoever.  I hear them smacking the house in between pecan drops which look like pistachios on the deck.  It has been a rainy day with more left to come for the next week but still, the irrigation system is running.  It's been pretty dry for a long period and those beans need water!  

I hate my new teeth with a passion.  As I did with the ileostomy, I am learning how to eat and process food but I bet I have lost ten pounds which I didn't have to lose.  Everybody tells me I look "little."  When I weighed 180 lbs I would have appreciated that but now it seems that I'm just wasting away.  I love to eat and to cook but there are restrictions now because Polident can only do so much.  I go for my checkup tomorrow after PT and will use my flex card for some of that high dollar mouthwash and buy more noodles.

Roe's babies walked for the first time today so they are well on their way to new adventures.  Shari and her girls are such good fosters.  The last time I was there there bitty eyes were open.  I think Roe is about over motherhood at this point and I can relate.  In reality it's never over.  As long as you live you will be as happy as your most miserable child.  I admit that it is co-dependent but it's what happens when you become a parent.  It ain't over 'til it's over.  A "death to us part" sort of deal.  My brother and I spent five years post driver's permission putting out fires to take care of Mom and Daddy at home.  He was finance and I was healthcare/lives right down the road.  There were many trips to the ER.  Several car wrecks.  Lots of drama.  The biggest issue was Mama's blindness and Daddy's dementia.  There was not a lot of patience there on either side.  He wanted to be in control of every little thing and she just wanted him to read to her from the State Gazette.  Kinda' funny I ended up as a stringer there.  Serendipity perhaps ^j^

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