Wednesday, July 17, 2024

no means no, unless it means yes

I read all day long every day which is probably not good for my back and shoulders.  The reason is that I work on a laptop or a phone and do not have ergonomic friendly devices.  Plus my cat Rosie parks her butt up right here on the desk just because she wants attention.  She has this odd little habit of laying in the wicker out back way up high.  It's a great view and so far no new tears in the screen.  She has no idea what's coming when doggo arrives.  Roe is being potty trained by her foster and the puppies are still teeny tiny so it will be a while.  I'm just fascinated with watching the mom take care of the village.

Compassionate people care for those in need.  We don't judge but choose instead to meet them where they are and figure out a road map of how to get out of the cycle.  Poverty and homelessness.  No food.  No ride.  The sheer amount of suffering is something that you cannot fathom unless you see it in person.  Oscar went across the rainbow bridge a few months ago in my bathroom floor with me bawling like a baby and my vet friend guiding me through it.  I have been lonely without a doggo and it just so happens that Roe has come into my life.  She's a short haired older mutt with five surviving puppies.  I'm asking her to come here on the farm and the puppies will go here there and yonder.  Spay and neuter people.  Teeth and bras!

I was treated to a nice head washing and cut by the fabulous Nina at Headlines this morning.  Note to self:  Find out what those products are!  She worked on me while Chucky ate his breakfast and we tossed the bullshit around.  It's hard to hear when you are almost deaf and the dryer is going.   That place is like home because I know where the bathrooms are.  They work hard and enjoy it.  Always tip your personal beauty consultant and the wait staff.  Jesus will love you for it.

A couple of dear friends were very worried about me because my mouth pain has been horrific and they talked me through it.  I am not a wuss with pain but this was BAD.  I think I've lost 8 pounds already.  Poopie is happy though because she's gettin' a rest.  It cooled off and rained a little bit today which is very nice.  Once again, I put my theory out there that the seasons are all effed up because of global warming.  If you don't get it we will all be on Costner's ship in WaterWorld.

Grace and Peace lead to faith and works ^j^

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