Tuesday, July 9, 2024

sean of the south

Some time ago, and don't ask me when because um...I've lost track of time, my friend Beverly posted a piece by Sean Dietrich and I was immediately hooked.  His writing style is honest and often gut wrenching as he writes about every day life, including his own.  He spends a good amount of time on the road with his one man show that includes humor and an accordion so many of his epistles are about road trips and airports.  A native Floridian who never graduated high school, he has achieved "star" status with his devoted readers, including myself.  Beverly was fortunate enough to see him in person and send me a coffee cup with his logo on it along with other gifts.  We have known each other through Facebook for years and years, since her granddaughter Ella was about the age that Reaves is now.  Seriously cute kid.  

I cannot begin to name the number of people that I know only virtually but that I consider great friends.  Many of you remember the story of the blog fairy who visited me for a couple of years.  If not, just ask and I will share again.  Then there was Old Horsetail Snake whom I actually DID meet when he took a nationwide trip to visit a few of his favorite bloggers.  I was honored to be one of them following his visit with Vicki and I then sent him on his way to Trisha.  Old Hoss has long since become a dung beetle and I miss his wit and humor still.  Hoss was a former speech writer for the governor of Oregon and had a terminally ill wife.  I sent them cookies and Tennessee stuff and shortly after she passed onto glory with his help.  That is legal in Oregon.  He chose the same path for himself to join her several years later following his many visits around the country.  

Once I was going to try and meet up with Lois Twater and that didn't happen but we did chat on the phone.  These are the people who live in my computer and they are real to me.  Bloggers are a rare breed who tend to use their blogs as therapy and in turn help others.  At least for me, that is the case.  Almost 20 years ago, my friend John Yarbro suggested that I blog to which I replied "What the hell is that?"  Live and learn.  Now almost everybody has one from food to healthcare to spirituality and more.  A weblog or blog for short, is an easy way to write and reach people.  Writing a book is tedious and I'm not built that way.  I choose to share every day what's on my mind and in my heart.  

So "Dear Sean" just know that I read every word that you write and feel it with my soul.  My style is similar to yours, though not as good.  Maybe someday ^j^


  1. Because of him showing up in your FB reposts, I'm now following as well. Those old blog days were way way more personal than any of the social media these days. I always felt like each blogger was a personal friend.

  2. And you, my dear friend, are one of the originals!
